
Drought to flatten Fresno job growth

One of the areas of business that affects real estate values is jobs.  If you have more jobs it places, greater demands on housing.  Which then puts upward pressure on real estate values.  Fresno’s job growth is expected to be flat because of the drought.  This will likely reflect in flat or lower values for housing.   For those of […]

By |March 5th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Drought to flatten Fresno job growth|

California Housing Market Outlook for 2014


In 2013 the price for a Single Family Residence, SFR,  (homes) went up on average 28% in California.   Though

Fresno didn’t rise this high,  it still made it into the low 20 percentile range.  The result being that fewer homes

are upside down ; in a previous blog we were down to less than 25% of all mortgaged properties in

Fresno County […]

By |March 4th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on California Housing Market Outlook for 2014|

Fresno County Property Tax Sale Begins March 7, 2014

2/6/14  Generally, in California when you’re delinquent on your property taxes for five years, the county

tax collector may offer the property for sale to satisfy the defaulted taxes.  Note they can foreclose sooner

if you have a “nuisance abatement lien” on the property.

In  Fresno County this sale begins on March 7, 2014.

If you are in the unfortunate position of being […]

By |March 4th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fresno County Property Tax Sale Begins March 7, 2014|

Real Property Report – California January 2014


Interesting article regarding real estate in California.  Property Radar has reported that

sales  and values have declined in California.  Though it looks like the market is improving:

the number of foreclosures and investors are dropping, we still have a ways to go before

we’re back to a healthy market. The two NEW items that are mentioned in the article

that are hampering growth:

Limited […]

By |March 3rd, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real Property Report – California January 2014|

Distressed sales still falling in Fresno


Distressed homes in Fresno County were 24 percent of all homes sold in December 2013. This is good compared to 52 percent in December of 2012. This is a reflection, in my opinion, of the increased values of homes compared to 2012. The median price appreciation was in the high teens, low 20’s for 2013.

For those of you still […]

By |March 3rd, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Distressed sales still falling in Fresno|

We Buy Houses Fresno

By |March 2nd, 2025|Videos|Comments Off on We Buy Houses Fresno|

Stop Foreclosure – California Trustee Sale

I hope that you find this information helpful. We’ve provide the steps associated with the California Trustee’s Sale (Foreclosure) below. You can also download a chart of the process by clicking this link (PDF): California Trustee’s Sale (Foreclosure)
Borrower Defaults
The Borrower (Trustor) has not made good on the loan. The lender (beneficiary) begins foreclosure by requesting the […]

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Lost generation casts shadow over housing market.


The Wall Street Journal published the above article indicating that those folks in the 20’s-30’s  age group

are struggling to purchase their 1st home.  The recession has left them with limited job prospects and lots

of education debt.

The article goes on to say they they have credit rating scores that preclude them from buying from traditional

FHA lenders.  Before the recession and […]

By |March 1st, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lost generation casts shadow over housing market.|

More Valley homeowners gain equity in 3rd quarter of 2015


More Valley homeowners gain equity in 3rd quarter

This article from the valley’s business newspaper “The Business Journal” indicates

that 15.4 % of residential properties in Fresno County that have mortgages have

negative equity….they’re upside down on their loan.  This is an improvement from

the 3rd quarter in 2014 which had  19.3% with negative equity.

This is good news overall for Fresno’s real estate […]

By |March 1st, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on More Valley homeowners gain equity in 3rd quarter of 2015|

Keep Your Home California Program

Oct 22, 2014

For those of you who live in the Fresno or Clovis, CA area, there is a website that tries to help families determine

if they can qualify for assistance.  They’re providing program information and a listing of the participating servicers (lenders and others).

Here’s a summary of the four programs:

1)Unemployment Mortgage Assistance – They will help make your mortgage […]

By |February 28th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Keep Your Home California Program|