Monthly Archives: February 2025

Keep Your Home California Program

Oct 22, 2014

For those of you who live in the Fresno or Clovis, CA area, there is a website that tries to help families determine

if they can qualify for assistance.  They’re providing program information and a listing of the participating servicers (lenders and others).

Here’s a summary of the four programs:

1)Unemployment Mortgage Assistance – They will help make your mortgage […]

By |February 28th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Keep Your Home California Program|

WSJ Article – Don’t Buy a Home as an Investment


As I look back to the Fresno and Clovis real estate market around 2006 – 2007 ,

there was a buying spree that drove prices to new highs.  And as we all know, what

followed  impacted most of California and the country;  it was called the “Great Recession.”

First houses stopped selling, followed by prices declining and then foreclosures began

piling up as […]

By |February 28th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on WSJ Article – Don’t Buy a Home as an Investment|

Bloom Off the California Real Estate Rose


The most recent article from, indicates that home values and sales volume for California homes are slowing down.

This negatively affects two groups of homeowners:  those who would like values to continue to grow because they owe more than there house

is worth and those who need to sell there home right away.  This slowdown has been our experience here […]

By |February 27th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bloom Off the California Real Estate Rose|

Pros and Cons of Selling To An Investor


I published this article on my blog a while back,  for those needing to sell it’s worth reading.  One of the CONS mentioned is the risk of being taken by a scam artist.  See the article and my comments below.

Jan Weston

Forbes magazine has an interesting article with the above title: It goes into the pros and cons of selling […]

By |February 27th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pros and Cons of Selling To An Investor|

Distressed sales unchanged in Fresno, Tulare counties ….What to do?


The Business Journal posted an article summarizing the condition of the housing market for distressed properties; those sold at a short sale, foreclosure, and bank owned properties.  For June, in Fresno County 17% of all properties were sold as “distressed”  in June 2014. The state wide amount for California stood at 9.7%.

Historically, and I believe it holds true now, […]

By |February 26th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Distressed sales unchanged in Fresno, Tulare counties ….What to do?|

Tax relief for borrowers with canceled or forgiven mortgage debt for 2013


The state of California recently passed Assembly Bill 1393 that says there are no state tax consequences if you have a home where the debt was cancelled or forgiven by the lender due to a principal reduction from a loan modification.  Say for example you renegotiated the loan on your house and the lender reduced your principle balance by […]

By |February 26th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Tax relief for borrowers with canceled or forgiven mortgage debt for 2013|

Distressed Sales For Fresno County


A lot of our business comes from parties who have a need to sell there house quickly.   These include those who owe more on their home than they’re worth, some who are being foreclosed upon, and others who have a home needing many repairs.  Because we have cash to buy and the ability to purchase quickly, buyers come to […]

By |February 25th, 2025|foreclosure, real estate, short sale|Comments Off on Distressed Sales For Fresno County|

Distress sales in Fresno County amount to 17% of all sales.


The Business Journal, a central valley news organization, reports amongst other things that distressed sales

of homes in Fresno County amount to 17% of all sales for the month of June, about the same as May.  However,

that’s much better than a year ago, 36% of all sales were distressed sales.


The Fresno County market continues to get better, albeit slowly.  There […]

By |February 25th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Distress sales in Fresno County amount to 17% of all sales.|

Fannie Mae: Housing ‘remains a source of concern’


Fannie Mae, an abbreviated name for the Federal National Mortgage Association, and a huge mortgage purchaser in

the housing industry expects housing sales and prices to cool down this year.  Existing home sales fell

in the 1st quarter and rose in April and May, 2014.  They are expecting existing home sales to be down

by 2.4% for all of 2014 and new […]

By |February 24th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fannie Mae: Housing ‘remains a source of concern’|

Negative equity declines in Fresno area

The Business Journal, a local paper, indicated that just under 25 percent of all houses in the Fresno Metropolitan area have negative equity;  meaning the owner owes more than what their home is worth.  That’s a large drop from 2012.
This, I think, is a reflection of the increased appreciation in property values over the last year.  That’s good news […]

By |February 24th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Negative equity declines in Fresno area|