real estate

Settlement Provides 4 Billion in Aid To Distressed Borrowers

11-20-2013  J.P. Morgan Chase just settled with the Justice Department  over a variety of legal issues related to the mortgage debacle.  Apparently they were not forthright about the mortgages they sold on the secondary market.  They were weaker mortgages than advertised.  In the agreement J.P. Morgan is to provide 4 Billion in aid to distressed borrowers.  The use of […]

What’s happening in the Fresno/Clovis real estate market?

For about the last 6 months the demand for houses has dropped. We’ve had to lower our prices and wait longer to get our properties sold. As we have tried to discern why, the following come to mind: 1.) Interest rates have gone up. 2.) Job growth has not taken root, leaving fewer qualified buyers. 3.) Uncertainty caused by […]

By |March 8th, 2025|real estate|Comments Off on What’s happening in the Fresno/Clovis real estate market?|

Distressed Sales For Fresno County


A lot of our business comes from parties who have a need to sell there house quickly.   These include those who owe more on their home than they’re worth, some who are being foreclosed upon, and others who have a home needing many repairs.  Because we have cash to buy and the ability to purchase quickly, buyers come to […]

By |February 25th, 2025|foreclosure, real estate, short sale|Comments Off on Distressed Sales For Fresno County|

You May Qualify For A “HARP” Refinance Loan

12-4-13 – The Home Affordable Refinance Program, also known as HARP, is a federal program of the United States, set up by the Federal Housing Finance Agency in March 2009 to help underwater and near-underwater homeowners refinance their mortgages.  The application deadline is Dec 31, 2015.  To see if you qualify check out the HARP website!

By |February 22nd, 2025|foreclosure, real estate, short sale, Uncategorized|Comments Off on You May Qualify For A “HARP” Refinance Loan|

Home Sales In Valley Falling

It looks like sales in September have dropped in the Valley.  Sales in Fresno County dropped 13% from August.  See the previous blog for our explanation.  Though sales have fallen, median prices have managed to rise 1% over August.  and a jump of 16.8% over the previous year.  This is good for those who are upside down on their […]

By |February 21st, 2025|real estate|Comments Off on Home Sales In Valley Falling|